McTarnahan's Ball Solution

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McTarnahan's Ball Solution helps provide relief for stiffness and soreness. This solution is also helpful in healing bowed tendons, splints, ringbone, cracked heels, bowed tendons and big knees. If you are looking for one of the most popular liniments across race tracks, McTarnahan's is for you! 

The use of Ball Solution does not build up a resistance with continual use. All products that are marked ORM-D are not able to be shipped outside of the continental USA or by air. 

• Helps provide relief
•  60 year track record of approval
• Made in the USA.


Apply twice a day for two days, then once daily as needed. 


Contains 6% iodine


Directions for use: Shake well before using. Clip hair on the area to be treated. Apply with a toothbrush straight down over the hair (do not rub) twice a day for two days, then apply once daily as needed. 

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