Laser Shower w/ Finder

Centurion Systems
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The Centurion Laser Shower has been designed to be very user-friendly and incorporates the most up-to-date laser therapy technology available. The Laser Shower emits a continuous laser shower at multiple frequencies to provide your horse the most effective & safe laser treatment available.


Unlike older style units which only allowed a specific frequency selection for a particular problem, the Centurion Laser Shower operates by emitting a continuous shower of laser light at multiple frequencies from the treatment head. The result is that a wider range of problems from surface injuries to deep-seated soft tissue injuries may be treated more effectively. Research has shown that the most effective penetration of laser light is achieved by using laser diodes which operate at 785NM. This increases the effective average power directed towards the injured area and allows for better penetration of the laser light.


Additional treatment head is the Superfine head which emits a laser light at 785 nanometers from a single laser diode and is used for small treatment areas and to stimulate acupuncture points. As an option an Acupuncture Point Finder which is a revolutionary optional applicator that automatically finds acupuncture points and simultaneously triggers laser light, combined with a Superfine head is available.


Therapy Return Policy:

Due to the sophisticated nature of our Therapy Products, returns, repairs, and warranty questions are processed directly through the manufacturer. Contact information is available on the company’s website. If you’d like help finding contact information, or need additional support from FarmVet, please reach out to us at

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